Main Points

  • List
  • CSS Backgrounds
  • CSS Box Model
    • Padding
    • CSS Borders
    • Margin
    • Explain margin collapse
  • CSS Layout (Float, Flex, Grid, and Frameworks)

Using Float and Clear

Float: left, right, or none;

Clear Techniques:

  • .clearfix {overflow: auto;} for container.
  • .clearfix::after {content: “”; clear: both; display: table;} for container.
  • .clear {clear: both;} for <br> before the container closing tag


Using Display flex

  • .flex {display: flex;} for container.
    • Notice that all elements inside container is aligned top left to the container beside each other.
    • Also they stretch to fill the container height unless you assign a height for each element.
  • Use {justify-content: } to align elements horizontal (flex-start, flex-end, center, space-around, space-evenly and space-between).
  • Use {align-items: } to align elements vertically (flex-start, flex-end, and center).
  • Use {gap:} to set the space between items manual.
  • {flex-basis:}
  • {flex-grow:}
  • {flex-shrink:}
  • {flex:}
  • {order:}
  • {flex-direction: ;}
  • {flex-wrap:}
  • {flex-flow:}


Using Display grid

  • .grid {display: grid;} for container.
    • Notice nothing happened because in grid you have to define columns.
  • Use {grid-template-columns: } to define columns using fr.
  • Use {align-items: } to align elements vertically (start, end, and center).
  • Use {gap:} to set the space between items manual.